Dear civilized Christian, (doctrine of two kingdoms)

We as Christians either get over invested in society and lose sight of the gospel, or we isolate ourselves from society and become disconnected and irrelevant. Yet, God calls us to be prepared to defend the hope that we have in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). A hope that dictates how we do our jobs, raise our families, interact with neighbors and see social justice and politics.

It seems like these days keep darkening the doors and walls of the church. Leaders stepping down due to sinful actions, so called pastors being arrested for selling the “cure” for Covid, Christians being the lead on Frustration of the mask situations. And yet, we have such a opportunity to be a light, impact and solution for so many problems. The root of many of the church’s problems are that the people do not know fully how to function in society.

How do we as believers’ function is society? The beauty of what I lay out just below is what we call the doctrine of the two kingdoms. This doctrine was laid out by Augustine, refined by Luther, refined a little more by Calvin and honed in by Vandrunen. I believe if we can establish a foundational basis to for this doctrine and then bring it to an applicational sense, we can begin to see the church and it’s people making huge impacts.

From Genesis through Jude we see a clear distinction between God and man, kingdom of God and kingdom of man. (Eph. 2:2 prince of air, Matt. 3:2, Matt. 4:17 kingdom of Heaven)

Now there is the common grace of God as the creator and sustainer of earth and humanity regardless of salvation, and the redeeming grace of God through Jesus that is for the one who surrenders to Christ.

Common grace and life on this world is the kingdom of man temporarily ruled by Satan

Redeeming grace and the assurance of Heaven is the kingdom of God ruled by Jesus

And one day Jesus will bring about final judgment, new heaven and new earth and bring together the two kingdoms back to one! (Genesis 1-2, revelation 18-22)

The age-old question is how in the world do we as believers interact with the two kingdoms? Do we fight as to bring heaven to earth, or do we fight as to bring about the final judgment and new creation?

Some quotes from three different parties/ ideologies:

“If we are going to create this Heaven on Earth with God, we first have to imagine it. Then every moment of everyday, our every action and thought should be centered on building the kingdom of God on Earth. “– new age thinking

“We as Christians must comfort Israel (Isaiah 40:1), bless her (Genesis 12:3), pray for her (Psalm 122:6) and encourage her with God’s precious eternal Word to bring about End Times realities.” – political enforcer thinking

“Christians should pursue cultural activities not with a spirit of triumph and conquest over their neighbors but with a spirit of love and service toward them. Far too often Christian writers and leaders imbue their audience with a drive to take over- to take over politics, education, the courts, and whatever else or maybe it is put in more palatable terms such as taking back instead of taking over as if Christians are the rightful owners of everything and are simply reclaiming what is already theirs.” ― David VanDrunen (Two kingdom mentality)

Application of the doctrine of the two kingdoms:

The last quote is the reality of the two kingdoms mentality and the biblical reality of how we function in society. We need to stop acting as if this fallen world is our forever home and that we are employed to make it back into the garden of Eden. Our task is way bigger than simply redefining culture.

““Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Jeremiah‬ ‭29:4-7‬ ‭ESV

I love this passage which is the touchstone reality for the doctrine at hand. We see vital truths that God speaks through Jeremiah to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. Yet, these are applicable to us today as sojourners and ambassadors of Christ in this fallen world (2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Peter 2:11)

What does God command the exiles? He commands them to not hate their surroundings, but invest and dwell in them. He commands them to not hold back on duty to multiply, but rather have sons and daughter to eventually give away in marriage. He commands them to pray for the welfare of society around them so that He might bless the exiles through it!

Read: John 18: 33-37, The scriptural foundation for all that I just spoke on:

My kingdom is not of this world, so then we do not fight like the world does. We can so easily get angry, hurtful and mean to push Jesus on people not realizing that it only pushes them away.

Jesus came to bear witness to the truth and for us who are now born in truth will obey. The truth Jesus bears witness too is that of Love God and Love others.

The reality is this world is temporal and our souls are eternal, thus we fight for souls not society to be change forever. When we seek souls we start to live each day wanting to build relationships with all people. No matter or differences we seek to find commonality to bring them to the gospel.

Matthew 24: 36-39, Our focus:

Just as Noah was faithful to his commands from God, we must be also. Seeking to stay away from sinful worldly things let us not go so far that we segregate ourselves from the world.

There is no one who knows the time in which the final judgement will be, so there is now way to lend to its arrival. Instead of standing on political hills and dying on them, seek to build a overall good society in which we can share Jesus. Dwell together and love on others while living differently.

Noah was not told when the rain would come but to build. Just as much as we are not told when Jesus is coming back but to preach the gospel. We are not promised tomorrow, we are promised that Jesus is with us and we are to share that.

Matthew 28: 16-20, Our given assignment and how to live:

Jesus has all power and authority given to Him, not to us. We need to stop acting like it is us who saves or us who brings about final judgement. And start acting like we have a mission and a commander who has all the tools to equip us!

We have a command given to us on behalf of His authority meaning we are to be hyper focused on this command. Yes, we need to fight for correct doctrine, proper understanding of Gods word and pointing even unsaved people to proper interpretation. But, do all of that so we can encourage and shine Jesus clearer.

Our duties and commands are to:

Go forth and make disciples aka preach the Gospel, baptize them as witness to the kingdom of man to their change, and then train them to do the same everywhere they go!

As for the quotes I gave earlier, let us seek the realities in which they bring to close:

The first will only lead to a works-based salvation that will never bear fruit for the kingdom – new age thinking

The second will only lead to hurt, pain and fights we are not called to, while making a nationalistic gospel that misses the real eternal destination – political enforcer thinker

the last creates the image of us permeating the nations and people lives with biblical truths as we share the power of Jesus. – two kingdom mentality.


Let us fight for the preaching of the Gospel more than we fight for no mask/ mask….

Let us stand on the word of God more than we stand on the constitution….

Let us see lost souls in need of the gospel of Jesus more than if someone is politically left or right.

Our goal as Christians is to preach the gospel. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone needs it no matter their earthly stances. So go preach you are commanded by the one with all power and authority that should excite you!

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